Multiple Address Facility : Enter Contracts For Customer
With Multiple Address Facility
Contract Type Creations : Multiple Contract Types can be
created with multiple configuration.
Serial No : Easy contract screen with Serial No and
Equipment Type.
Preventive Maintenance : Auto scheduling of PMs Due Dates
based on the Contract Peroid.
Contract References : Created Multiple Payment References
for Contract to track the due Payments.
Contract Analysis : Contract Analysis Report with more than
40 Filters to generate report with permutation and combination of
parameters to get results.
Service/ Call Management Module
Complaint Registration : Complaint Analysis Report (More
than 50 Filters to generate report with multiple combination of
parameters to get results.
Call Escalation : Call Escalation according to Designation,
Department, Priority, EmployeeName wise.
Engineer Visits Analysis : Engineer Visits Analysis Period
Wise, Customer wise, Serial No Wise.
Multiple Complaint Types : Chargeable/ Non Chargeable/
Under AMC/ Under Warranty/ Out Of warranty calls.
Auto Contract Creation : Auto creation of Warranty/
AMC or contracts on creating Sales Invoice.
Alerts : SMS / Email on generation of Invoicing.
Tally Integration : Import of Data In Tally.
Final Reports : Multiple Company Accounts such as
Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss A/c, Outstanding.
Inventory & Manufacturing Module
Material Issue/ Material Receive/ Indents.
Stock Day Book, Stock Transfer,Stock Ledger, Item Group Ledger.
Stock Valuation, Stock Status, Stock Movement, Material Centre Wise
Stock Below Re Order Level/ Negative Stock List
Pending Delivery Challans (Issue/ Receipt)
Daily Stock Status with groups
Machine Serial No. Wise Stock
BOM Details , Production Management
Stock Journal, Indenting
Stock Movement, Price List
Invoice Pending against Delivery Challan
Features Specially developed for Copier Industry
Creation of different contracts FSMA ,SSMA, VBSA, CSA,TG, 4C, CSA,
Rentals contract for the customer in which you can define the Copier
Meters (A3, A4, A3 Color, A4 Color), Default Billing Cycle, Monthly
Rental if Any, Annual Rental, Meter Reading Details (On start of
Contract), Per copy charges ,Spoilt Copies , Free Copies.
Define Rate Slab in the customer contract. Rate Slab means if you want
First 1- 5000 coipes (No charges, Free), Next 5001-10000 copies (Per
copy charges .35 paise), Next 10001-20000 copies (.32 paise),Above 20001
(.30 Paise) , you can define this type of provision in the contract
masters so whenever bill will generated then it will automatically
calculate the billed amount based on the above criteria.
List all contracts for which you have to generated bill on a particular
day based on the billing cycle.Generate all the bills on a single click
of a button.
Multiple taxes and GST Enabled.
Meter resetting module, Can manage the transaction details if meter is
replaced with a new one.
Multiple counter reading/ Multi machine billing handling in a single
Toner management for the copier. On a request for the toner from a
customer , software will display a last 15 transaction for the issue of
toner and average reading for the issues. Decesion can be made whether
you have to issue toner or not.
Current Reading Report, Copier Billing Details, Machine wise Ageing.
Machine Revenue/ History
Master Control and Settings
Security & User Management
MIS Informative Report
Contract Due Reminders
Outstanding Control & Reminders
Record Authorization
Engineer's Performance Analysis
Customer wise Price Control
Finance/ Inventory & Tracking
Communication Management
Contract Management
Contract Analysis Report ( It has 37 Filters to generate report,
user can select permutation and combination of parameters to get
Period Wise (Date From - Date To) AMC Warranty.
Customer Wise Complaints/ Item Model Wise AMC Warranty.
Customer Group Wise (Such as Doctors, Dealers, Govt. ,Hospital
etc.)/ Item Group Wise AMC-Warranty (such as UPS, Inverter,
Computer, Printer, Epabx, AC, split ac, RO, Water Purifier etc.
Machine Serial wise AMC Warranty tracking.
Place/ Area/ City/ Dist./ Zone wise AMC Warranty Details.
Automatic Generation of Complaints facility against Preventive
Maintenance calls.
Preventive Maintenance Analysis.
Amount Wise AMC Warranty Report.
AMC Wise Profitability.
Period Wise Preventive Maintenance Due/ Completed Report.
Sale Order creation with more than 12 formats with Customer name
Items, taxes.
Flexible Taxation,Party wise , item wise Sale Order
Periodic list of Sale Order ,Linking of Sale Order with sales.
Sale Order Sent Report
Item Wise Sale Order
Customer Wise Sale Order
Purchase Order creation with more than 12 formats with Customer
name address ,Items, taxes.
Party wise , item wise Purchase Order
Periodic list of Purchase Order
Linking of Purchase Order with Purchase.
Purchase Order Sent Report
Item Wise Purchase Order
Customer Wise Purchase Order
Price Wise Order Purchase Order
Pending Purchase Orders
Price Wise Order Sale Order
Features Specially developed for Copier Industry
Creation of different contracts FSMA ,SSMA, VBSA, CSA,TG, 4C,
CSA, Rentals contract for the customer in which you can define
the Copier Meters (A3, A4, A3 Color, A4 Color), Default Billing
Cycle, Monthly Rental if Any, Annual Rental, Meter Reading
Details (On start of Contract), Per copy charges ,Spoilt Copies
, Free Copies
You can also define Rate Slab in the customer contract . Rate
Slab means if you wantFirst 1- 5000 coipes (No charges, Free),
Next 5001-10000 copies (Per copy charges .35 paise), Next
10001-20000 copies (.32 paise),Above 20001 (.30 Paise) , you can
define this type of provision in the contract masters so
whenever bill will generated then it will automatically
calculate the billed amount based on the above criteria.
Software can list all contracts for which you have to generated
bill on a particular day based on the billing cycle. You can
generated all the bills on a single click of a button.
Provision for multiple taxes and GST Enabled.
Provision for the Meter resetting in the machine, You can manage
the transaction details if meter is replaced with a new one.
Provision for the multiple meter reading handling in a single
Provision for maintaining the current meter reading for a
Provision for the Toner management for the copier. Suppose if
you get a request for the toner from a customer , software will
display a last 15 transaction for the issue of toner and average
reading for the issues. By this you can decide that whether you
have to issue toner or not.
Lot of Reports related to the copier like current reading
report, copier billing details, machine wise ageing.
And many more features are also in software related with the
copier module.